Thursday, April 26, 2012


We are learning about Firewise. This photo has lots of different uses for fire - heating, cooking, burning rubbish., celebrations and light. We talked about which pictures had flames in them. We talked about what  kind of heaters we have at home and what are the rules to keep ourselves safe. The main rule is that children don't touch heaters, adults turn them on and off.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival on PhotoPeach

We made spinach dip for the Harvest festival with Whaea Robyn. We put it onto bread for everyone to have a taste. We used some spinach from the school garden and some Whaea Robym bought. It tasted yum. There was lots of delicious food at the Harvest festival. We liked the zucchini cake, the pizza, the potatoes and the lettuce sandwiches.